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What's Next?

From my previous post, you may know that I decided to attend Kennesaw State University. I would be attending the Fall semester of 2016. However, I would not be staying on campus. Instead, I would commute from my house and drive back home. The commute was about 20 minutes, depending on traffic. Usually, the first week was the worst because trying to find a parking spot in the various decks were challenging. I remember I decided I would park in the west deck, which I thought was the right decision at the time. This deck was very small with only three levels. I remember taking general electives like Math, English, and possibly a Theater class during my first semester. Since I was not living on campus, I knew I needed to get involved somehow to meet other people. Towards the end of my first year of being a freshman, I came across the opportunity of being an orientation leader, which would change everything.

As of this moment now, I cannot remember how I found out about being an orientation AKA “Ignition Leader”. It’s possible there was an email or an event I attended. Regardless, I found out about the opportunity, and it intrigued me. These were the people that would help new students find their way on campus. I thought this would be a great opportunity to get involved, meet people, and help other students. I went through a series of interviews. The first interview was a group interview where a certain number of students would work with each other to solve problems. I was not sure how this would play out for me because I can be shy, so some people were not afraid to speak up. However, I passed the group interview and was invited to a personal interview. I was very nervous because I barely had any work or interview experience before. I remember researching “weird interview questions” in case they decided to go in that direction. Surprisingly, they did ask “If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?” I remember saying “quick speed” because you can get tasks done at an efficient rate. I felt as if I made a good impression. However, I was nervous due to my shyness. A few days later, I received news that I was selected to be an orientation “Ignition” leader during the summer of 2017. I was so excited.

Being an Ignition leader came with a lot of responsibility. We had training because this was an actual paid job that was three days a week from 7- 5 pm. Because Kennesaw State University has two campuses, we had to learn both Kennesaw and Marietta Campuses. I thought I had a general idea where a lot of things were on Kennesaw, but I realized I was wrong. I learned all of the different buildings on campus. Additionally, I learned about the crucial resources that students needed. The Marietta campus was challenging for me because I didn’t know where anything was.

After countless days of training, the real test was here: the first day of the job. Everything we had learned was about to be put to the test. There were about 20 orientation leaders. The morning started with setting up and getting our assignments for the day. Some people were assigned to check-in, while some were reporting to the stage inside. Some people were helping out in the parking lot, and some were greeters. After our morning assignment was over, the students would sit inside the auditorium for a session. After that session completed, students gathered for the tours. Each orientation leader had a number. I was always group number ten. Students that were assigned a “10” would find my sign, and once I had everyone, I would lead them on a tour of the campus. I would take them to a spot-on campus to do an ice-breaker to loosen the fear anyone had. I explained to the new students about life on campus and answered any questions they had. Some groups were quiet, while others were energetic and excited.

Overall, I am glad I became an Ignition Leader because I know I made an impact on over 600 students. I learned you can be an introvert and still have fun and make a difference. Sometimes I did not know all the answers, but I did my best to answer everything I knew. Becoming an orientation leader shaped me to be the person I am today. I also believe I met my lifelong friends from becoming an Ignition Leader.

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